Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Bearing angle

 Suppose you are standing at point A and you want to determine the bearing angle to point B.

 W |   A

To find the bearing angle from A to B, you need to measure the angle in a clockwise direction from the North direction to the line connecting points A and B.

Let's say that the bearing angle from A to B is 60 degrees.

 W |   A
   |  60°

This means that to travel from point A to point B, you would need to head in a direction that is 60 degrees clockwise from the North direction.

Similarly, if you were given the bearing angle from B to A, let's say it is 240 degrees, the diagram would look like this:

 W |   A
   |  240°

In this case, to travel from point B to point A, you would need to head in a direction that is 240 degrees clockwise from the North direction.

Remember, bearing angles are always measured relative to the North direction, regardless of the actual orientation or position of the points.

I hope this example clarifies the concept of bearing angles for you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

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