Binomial Expansion


Binomial Expansion 

( Positive Integer Powers )

Factorial Notation

When you see an exclamation mark following a number in mathematics it is known as a factorial. For example, 6! is said ‘6 factorial’ and you multiply all of the positive integers less than 6 together:

6!=6\times 5\times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1=720

Here are some more examples:

8!=8\times 7\times 6\times 5\times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1=40,320

4!\times 3!=4\times 3\times 2 \times 1\times 3\times 2 \times 1=24\times 6=144

9!\div 5!=\frac{9\times 8\times 7\times 6\times 5\times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1}{5\times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1}=9\times 8\times 7\times 6=3,024

Pascal’s Triangle and ‘n choose r’

Pascal’s triangle is the pyramid of numbers where each number is formed by adding together the two numbers that are directly above it:

The triangle continues on this way and is named after a French mathematician named Blaise Pascal (find out more about Blaise Pascal) – it is helpful when performing Binomial Expansions.

Notice that the 5th row, for example, has 6 entries. The first entry in any one row is known as the 0th entry.  Similarly, the top row with a single 1 is known as the 0th row. This is because it is associated with the expansion of (x+y)^n. Now consider the first number 15 in the 6th row, we call this ^{6}C_{2}, pronounced ‘6 choose 2’. This can also be written as {6}\choose{2}. In general, we write ^{n}C_r or {n}\choose {r} and is calculated as:


This comes from summing all the appropriate terms above a given entry and simplifies to a fraction with factorials. ^{n}C_r can be thought of as the number of combinations of putting r balls in n buckets. It is also the number of times you get an x^ry^{n-r} term in the expansion of (x+y)^n. Hence, this is why Pascal’s triangle is useful in Binomial Expansion. Note that there is a button on your calculator for working out {n}\choose{r} – you don’t necessarily need to calculate the individual factorials. You might also notice that {{n}\choose{0}}={{n}\choose{n}}=1 and {{n}\choose{1}}={{n}\choose{n-1}}=n always.

Binomial Expansion

Suppose now that we wish to expand (x+y)^n, i.e. find the Binomial Expansion. In the simple case where n is a relatively small integer value, we can expand the expression one bracket at a time. This is demonstrated in the first two Basic Binomial Expansion Examples in Section 3. Expanding (x+y)^n by hand for larger n becomes a tedious task. The Edexcel Formula Booklet provides the following formula for binomial expansion:


for n\in {\mathbb N}, where:


is n choose r as we saw earlier. Note that this expansion is only true for when n\in{\mathbb N}, i.e for when n is a positive integer.  Directly substituting x in place of a and y in place of b results in finding the expansions of (x+y)^n for larger n. Usually, only the first few terms are required. You may substitute other expressions or numbers for a and b but note that when there are added coefficients, the expanded coefficients change dramatically from those given in Pascal’s triangle. Also beware when the question asks you for descending powers of x – you may need to swap the variables accordingly.

Relationship to Binomial Probabilities

Before moving on to the examples section, take a moment to consider the relationship between Binomial Expansion and Binomial Distribution. Consider a binomially distributed random variable with n trials and probability of success p, that is, X\sim B(n,p). If we require r of the trials to be successful (with probability p^r) then we also require the remaining n-r trials to be unsuccessful (with probability (1-p)^{n-r}). The number of combinations in which there can be r successes out of n trials is {n}\choose{r} (see Pascal’s Triangle and ‘n choose r’ notation in the notes section). It follows that the associated probability is given by:


As we saw earlier in the notes, this looks very much like the general term in the Binomial Expansion.



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